Suggestion for a rule change:
Battle happens on Day 1: Winner spends 2 Action Points during that same round
Battle happens on Day 2: Winner spends 4 Action Points during that same round
Basically it comes down to this. If you fight your PvP battle on the first day, you spend 2 AP immediately and can use another 2 AP that day. You would also be able to use 4 AP the second day.
Fighting your match on the second day means you cannot spend the left over 2 AP from the first day (since you're locked in battle still) and you would instantly use your 4 AP the second day by completing your PvP Match. This is a 6 AP disadvantage for the winner!
There are quite a few people in WoE at this moment who I would rather not attack. Not because I don't think they deserve being attacked or because I'm afraid I might lose the match but because of their inactivity!
Because of their inactivity I am afraid that charging them will have one of these two results as an outcome:
- I cannot contact the inactive player on Day 1 but he magically appears online on Day 2 and we fight or match. (I indirectly lose 6 AP, happened to TNG last 2 days)
- I cannot reach him at all but win the match cause I was clearly more active. (I indirectly lose 6 AP AND don't get a salvage)
6 AP is alot (1,5 day)! I don't wanna lose that because some other player doesn't bother to log on, let alone not being able to salvage anything. Since so many players are quite inactive I am worried that this situation will occur more and more often and will eventually result in inactive players being charged less often then active ones. This is wrong imo, normally I'd rather like to charge a weak player instead of a strong active one...