A decent defense tree. Most of their abilities pertain to their incapability to be kept out of the fight for long. If you attack their cities, you'll need alot more firepower than normal, since killing them does nothing if they have Relics. Their ability to remain aloof of all the offensive power the opponent has makes up for their lack of card-denial skills that Darkness, Gravity, and Water have, while the Skill-denial skill they have is ultimately one of the most amazing powers in the game. If you beat that player, they essentially become the weakest players in the game. If they lose all skills (let's assume they can still use a Mark), unless they have a deck that is insanely good (which begs the question of how they lost in the first place), they would practically be wearing a bulls-eye on their backs. I would even go so far as to say using this skill turns a player into "target practice" for other players. I'm worried at its power, since doing such a thing to a player will make them lose most of their cards due to discarding.