I might have missed it but, if the players have a better relation with a certain element (>*insert reputation*) that they should get bonuses for that element. e.g. When buying cards of that element there is a small discount, this discount could be made larger for the better reputation.
You wouldn't want this discount to be large because the rare cards will become to cheap, yet enough to make a difference. This would also effect how players build their decks/defeat enemies, because as they got better with one they get worse with another making the others cards more expensive. It would take more work from others but people would have to take much more care in when they kill someone and who they kill.
This idea may not be able to be implemented into Alpha as there is not that many players and that would restrict things, but - and I'm guessing here - when WoE is launched and there are many more players it could work. This idea is just from playing D&D and other games with reputation. You could change this so its not cards but other things that are cheaper.