What this board is for
This board is for any statistics-based studies related to Elements, as well as any discussion of the studies themselves or of Elements-related statistics in general.
What this board is NOT for
This board is not for discussion of statistics in general which are not directly related to Elements. Please use the Off-Topic subforum for these discussions. Additionally, this board is not for threads about a single deck, even if the thread contains stats about that deck. The thread should be posted in the appropriate board in the Deck Ideas subforum, though if there are stats for that deck which fit the criteria of an ongoing study in this board, those stats should be crossposted into the thread for that study.
All discussion of a given study and all submissions to that study should occur within the thread for that study. New threads should be limited to new studies which are not covered by an existing study, or to discussions related to statistics or studies directly tied to Elements which are not covered elsewhere.
Generally Accepted Stat-keeping Methods for Decks
While this can certainly vary depending on the needs of a specific study, the general standard for inclusion in a deck stats thread is recording the following data for all games played during a given chunk of time: Wins, Losses, Turns To Win ("TTW"), EMs. In many cases, additional information will be required for inclusion in a study, and in all cases additional information is useful and testers are encouraged to submit the additional information when posting their stats. In most cases, a minimum of 50 tests are required for inclusion in the study, though this can vary depending on the needs of the specific study. There is no requirement that all 50 games be done in a single sitting, but please be sure to decide if you are going to record a given game/play session for a study before you begin playing (i.e. don't decide halfway into a game that it's going well so you're going to record it now).
Who can participate in a study
Anyone. Including you. It doesn't matter if you're a four year vet or this is your second week. We only ask that you do your best to familiarize yourself with a deck or a study by playing a few games with it first so that the initial learning curve isn't reflected in the results. This will be the standard for most or all studies, but the needs of a specific study may require restricting testers somewhat.
Who can create a study
Anyone. Including you. Just make sure that it isn't already covered somewhere else. Studies will be managed by their creators. In the event that a creator of an active study is no longer able to maintain the OP of that study's thread, the board moderator will maintain the OP until either the study ends or it is taken over by someone else who would like to manage the OP.