I'm surprised there isn't a Deck fitting mainly around Aether for either Gold, or Plat. I have been running a Semi-upped Deck in Gold, and doing alright there! Haven't tried Plat yet.
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61t 61t 61v 61v 61v 808 808 808 808 808 808 80c 80d 80d 80d 80d 80e 80e 80f 816 816 816 816 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 8pu
(lacking upgrades because i saw no reason to spend

win vs pharaoh gravity duo: early lobo took care of momentum and would have dealt with 1 sofo per turn
2 wins vs monowater: pufferfish and purify were small threats that when accumulated a lot early can actually beat this deck, but the win was rather comfortable
2 losses vs monodankness: the typical story: they stole my quanta, they outhealed with vamps and then they stole more stuff
2 free wins vs 1hp oraclebows
win vs controlbow: nothing to CC and spelldmg bypassing dims allowed a pretty quick win. pulvy was scary, but the deck didnt have any dmg to speak off
loss monoair: shieldbypass and speed
loss vs. bow: well, bows have everything, I am surprised this deck beat so many off them
loss in mirror match: twice the hp and draw and triplemark just aint fair
win vs flying arses: more poisons and less arses would have resulted in a loss; spell dmg was necessary to deal with bw
win vs fire eaters: early lobo carry countering momentum; now if those momentums were explosions... 1 explosion was played and it hurt even though lobo reduced the dmg potential drastically
loss mono life: lots of healing and jadeshield can outdo you here, everything else is not an issue
7-6 is amazing, but I feel like I got hella lucky here, there should be more monodark,air,aether,fire or gravity, mono death usually beats this, convenient lobos carried me in 2 games (also I was expecting EXPLOSIONS, MORE EXPLOSIONS!).
I was probably to quick to discount mono

, but I am still not fully convinced.
P.S.: This isn't proper testing, I didn't play 50 games, keep track of ttw or list games in order, so dont use this if you intend to include this deck (with more ups) in the op.