TURNS TO WIN - or deck speed...Sorry eaglgenes101, but that is not the purpose of TTW. You don't need to be able to take TTW and multiply by games played to get total turns played. It is a measure of how fast a deck WINS (hence Turns To Win, not Turns To End). Therefore, I strongly advocate TTW as
only this forumula:
TTW = (total turns during wins) / (total wins)
Like Elbirn said, a quick-to-lose deck that is slow-to-win will be misleading for TTW. Yes, most fast winning decks are fast losing too, but just to be safe TTW should include only turns from the wins by a deck.
EFFICIENCY INDEX - or pay rate...The electrum per hour (or 'ei' = efficiency index) rating is ALL electrum (won in victories
and lost in losses) per ALL matches, with the following formulas (these are the ones I use):
Arena efficieny index {Aei} = (electrum change overall) / (time duration overall)
electrum change overall = (total electrum gained from winning) + 40 * (un-upped cards won/sold) + 1100 * (upped cards won/sold) - (total electrum lost from losing)
time duration overall = (total in-match time during wins AND losses)