Due to Atom_heart asking for it (and half a thought from my side), the project may start.
Mind you, this isn't going to be accurate because of the amount of data collected, however it'll be something like a starting point and may show interest from the community.
So, here are how this can be done:
Day and League are mandatory. I recommend writing the data in different places and posting it here when you're done with your daily playing.
Write the name of the deck you played against (not of the player who submitted it, we don't care). If you're not sure about the deck, write at least the cards you've seen or, if you understood the aim of the deck but don't know the name, go for the key cards. If you won the game before he even started playing (probably due to 1HP decks), at least write the Mark.
Doesn't require any data about stats aside the number of maximum HPs the deck had when the game started.
You can record data anywhere and anyhow, as long as you're able to post it here afterwards. I don't care about the format it's posted into (at least not for now). Some possible ways include:
A plain text file, you can copy-paste the data here, possibly under a spoiler;
A spreadsheet, if possible, readable via Google Docs;
A table you designed yourself, as long as it has the data we need, I don't mind the order you wrote them (if it's recognizable which data belongs to which deck, day and league).
Don't stress yourself by playing a stall deck only to see more cards from the opponent deck. The number of games really counts, we wouldn't want to lose Players because they're stressed from playing games with a deck they didn't like.
You may want to post a deck you used the day of the tests in order to provide a nice deck for someone who wants to start recording data but don't know which deck works these days. Also a successful deck will probably build you more wins and electrums alongside the wins.
If you want to support the project and have some spare space in your signature, you may want to add the following code to it:
[b][url=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/farming-studies-and-statistics/arena's-metagame-monitoring-project-(ammp)/]Join the AMMP, the first Arena's Metagame Monitoring Project![/url][/b]
It shows as:
Join the AMMP, the first Arena's Metagame Monitoring Project!This should help with some propaganda, always a good thing.
Well, if you want to, start getting stats, fellow Elementals.