Well, got only 12 games today, because some unexpected real-life stuff got in the way. Here's my
sheetSome quick questions came up during the test:
Does SoSac count as healing? (If so, it should be added to the instructions that it is so, since it really is unusual healing)
Mummy Rush+Poison = Poison deck? (Mummy rush, small deck, 6 mummys, 6 poison, probably some dragons. Main damage source are creatures, but poison is important once shields come up, so I don't really now.)
Is a ghostmare a stall? (Well, I guess so)
Other than that, I noted some cards in the deck which might be added. First Pulvy: It is a repeatable pc card, which can be permanent controlled. And since steal is added and Pulvy isn't a rarity in gold/platin, he might be added as well. Second, Otyugh and Arcitc Squid. They are the both most used unique+strong CC-creatures.
One last thing, I would change some things in the instructions. specifically, I would add which cards make you recognize a stall and a control deck, for the purpose of this study. (Stall: SoG, Miracle, SoSac, DimShield, Arctic Squid?, defensive gravity pulls, basilisk bloods, etc...; Control: Otyugh, Lightning, Fire Bolt, offensive Gravity Pulls, SoFo, Steals, etc...)