As stated a little bit ago, this thread is almost an archive type thread.
It did a great job back in the day of showing the fastest way to grind AI3 but since that isn't really needed anymore with silver being just about as challenging and a lot more rewarding (plus with special spins), the fastest decks tend to need a little tweaking for arena to meet certain blocks, such as phase shield or pest spam. Other then that, they can hold their own with a decent starting draw against most other speed decks.
If you're still aiming to test it against AI3, go for it, but even AI3 has changed a bit too to offer new challenges, the rewards just aren't quite up there compared to silver though and rare farming wise, even bronze offers a better return on time (but not coin or score).
you might even get better rewards out of winning 1 in 10 plat games with a rush deck. I've tried them in plat but tend to get blocked by a SoSac deck more often then not.
to answer a few general questions about your specific deck, it can be a fairly fast but the nova/WW tends to get stuck in there though the precog does help a bit and the gnomes do push out a bit of earth quantra but not enough unless you luck out a bit. Part of that is due to the order of the nova and the mulligan competing with cremations and novas. if you were going to go with this deck, it does need a little swapping to either a full speed deck, maybe even mono time without the WW/explosions