AI setting on high speed.
Pepoker (UUSEM) (,15361.0.html)
Games: 200 | Avg ttw: 9.842 | Avg. sec/game: 103.550 | Wins: 158 | Losses: 42 | Ems: 76 |
posted by - willng3
5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5bv 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c5 5c5 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8
Games: 200
avg. Sec/Game: 103.550
Sec/Turn: 9.337240757
Clicks/Game: 36.630
Clicks/Turn: 3.302975654
Score/Min: 10.45002414
Electrum/Min: 11.55094157
Time overall (min.): 345.167
Wins: 158
Ems: 76
Losses: 42
Score: 3607
Electrum: 3987
Avg ttw: 9.842
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 0
ttw 5: 0
ttw 6: 2
ttw 7: 26
ttw 8: 31
ttw 9: 34
ttw 10: 21
ttw 11: 11
ttw 12: 13
ttw 13: 4
ttw 14: 4
ttw 15: 3
ttw 16: 3
ttw 17: 2
ttw 18: 0
ttw 19: 1
ttw 20: 1
ttw 21: 0
ttw 22: 0
ttw 23: 2
ttw 24: 0
Okay I need to explain a few things so that people don't get the wrong idea here. Firstly, I played for speed, not EMs meaning that I EM'd when I could, but when a win was available for me I did not prolong the duel by another turn for the possibility of an EM. This probably meant that there was a possibility to gain about 5 more EMs here If I had gone that route. Secondly, there are several cases where I knew that I was going to lose but played the game through nevertheless. Therefore I could have shaved a few minutes off of my time if I wasn't going for completion.
So many Elders are ragequit worthy now if they get a fast start on you. The


and Mono

Elders were the ones that gave me the most trouble. Scarabs eat the Rustlers, stopping you from generating

and then the Pharaohs produce more Scarabs to give them more HP to eat the Dragons. Bonds keep you from killing it very often. Mono

has Otys to kill Rustlers, Gravity Shield to stop Dragons, and Armagios to keep the damage away from the opponent. I've only had 1 instance where I was able to still win against the Oty/Gravity Shield combo and it took 23 turns to do. I also found it amusing that I had to add about 11 more rows to my TTW Spreadsheet because of the lengthy games this deck played

Next to be tested is Vader Sader (,18038.0.html)
AI setting on high speed.
Vader Sader (,18038.0.html)
Games: 200 | Avg ttw: 8.467 | Avg. sec/game: 80.195 | Wins: 184 | Losses: 16 | Ems: 127 |
posted by - willng3
7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7la 7la 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb
Games: 200
avg. Sec/Game: 80.195
Sec/Turn: 9.297971014
Clicks/Game: 17.810
Clicks/Turn: 2.064927536
Score/Min: 19.73315045
Electrum/Min: 22.10861026
Time overall (min.): 267.317
Wins: 311
Ems: 127
Losses: 16
Score: 5275
Electrum: 5910
Avg ttw: 8.467
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 0
ttw 5: 0
ttw 6: 18
ttw 7: 53
ttw 8: 38
ttw 9: 28
ttw 10: 20
ttw 11: 16
ttw 12: 4
ttw 13: 3
ttw 14: 3
ttw 15: 0
ttw 16: 0
ttw 17: 0
ttw 18: 1
ttw 19: 0
ttw 20: 0
ttw 21: 0
ttw 22: 0
ttw 23: 0
Big weaknesses to this deck are Gravity Shield, Mutation, and Maxwell's Demon. So frustrating trying to play out a game with those staring you in the face. Other nuisances are Dim Shield chains WITH PU'd Vaders/Daggers attacking you at the same time and opponent Crusaders Endowing your Daggers to beat you over the head with. Rage Potions can be annoying when you don't have the quanta/cards to super buff your Daggers/Crusaders. Other than that it's pretty smooth sailing; it's pretty resistant to most CC, and Pandemonium barely manages to faze it most of the time (although Freeze, Ice Bolt, and Rewind are all annoying as heck). EM rate is 69% for those who want to know.
Next to be tested is 'Time' to rush (,21612.0.html)