SG is right, of course, but sometimes you gotta look yourself in the mirror and say "When in Rome."
Counting clicks is borderline insane. The time it takes to move your finger a number of millimeters is NOT the relevant data to collect. If I pause to decide whether to immolate a fire spirit, I could have clicked 810 times in that gap. It should be obvious why it's pointless to measure how many decision points we come to or how many seconds per decision is spent. A better measure is electrum or score gain per hour but even that is tremendously flawed due to things like processor speed.
ttw is a useful statistic because
1) it's a very good proxy for match length,
b) it's easy to calculate, use, and understand, and
4) it's related to win/loss because giving opponent fewer turns to act is in our best interest.
jmdt had it right from the start and SG has it right now. We should continue tracking ttw but recognize it's an imperfect measurement of deck speed.