I was merely stressing that I want Turns to Win. So not Turns to Lose, or Time to Finish, or Turns to Skip.
While at least 1 lost game (and at least 1 won game) per god would be idea, I won't require it as part of the initial data, because it can take quite a few games with the right deck against the right god. Regarding trainer, yes, it could be used, but I'm reluctant to advice it to people, zanz might decide to update the AI in the trainer, changing the difficulty of the opponents.
Even with VDB I have multiple gods at 80% or higher winrate, so that would mean an average of 5 games. With a more consistent deck like PDials the winrates can get even higher, which would mean a silly amount of games required against some gods (which would imbalance the data, because while it is normalized, it still isn't really fair to compare a god with 10 or 15 games played to a god with only 3, their winrates are at completely different levels of accuracy).