Well, that's it for me. I will be taking a break from the forums and the game.
I have lost the passion for etg a long time now but i always found myself trying to get back into it, either from war or trials or the occasional pvp event. To the more veterans that are still here, I believe it comes to no surprise that most older members find themselves practically bored by the game in addition to the forums shrinking day after day. For me, if it wasnt for how hectic my life will be from now on, I wouldnt leave, but difficult times call for difficult decisions.
I have made many memories here, shared awesome conversiations with people that I wouldnt have ever dreamed of talking to, from different countries, cultures and ages, made friends and rivals and in general had an amazing time these 4 years that ive been here.
In my time here I never had any major achievements so I doubt I will be mentioned as a good etg player, but at the very least I hope that people respected me and also enjoyed the conversations I had with them.
Since it has become kind of a tradition I would like give my special thanks to a few people. To the people I had the pleasure of calling them mentors, friends and rivals, vaggers who was one of the few greeks here that guided me when i didnt understand some things and as time passed i believe we became good friends, spikespiegel and dm that were 2 of the first people i ever spoke to when i first joined and taught me the ropes of the forums, TorB who unknowingly was my pvp mentor and the 2 people that i became closest to during these 4 years, iancu and skub, thanks guys for all the awesome conversations and a lot of fun.
I will definately be visiting the chat whenever i can but i doubt i will be playing the game any time soon. So see you guys later!
(for the ones responsible: find a great new deck helper!)