Elements and its community is amazing. It has survived Dragon Age, The Witcher 2, and all other sorts of games. I've already been a part time lurker since Skyrim came out a week ago, and with Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword coming out, well, I fear that my game time may now be completely full (since I somehow have been able to make time for all my games with a full time job, and a part time one on my only 2 days off). I am now going into lurker mode. If you see me on, I am probably just checking to see if there are any updates. If you want to game with me, the only online game I am playing for the time being, until I finish Skyward sword and skyrim, is LoL. I'm BluePriest on there if you want to add me
Until then, I will always remember and love elements, but some blockbuster titles are just too good, even for it.