It's not like I want to leave the community, in fact the opposite is the problem. I never mentioned it before since I like to enjoy my guilty pleasures in peace, but my gaming addiction/compulsion has left a dent in my real life once more. My behaviour is pretty much the elusive "just one more game" (sometimes actually followed through, but instead I start playing a different game instead) and thus the recommmendation is to leave every gaming community ever forever (and especially avoid being lured in by dailies/weeklies, so dont expect reliable hosting from me in the future either). Chances of me succesfully following through with that advice are of course extraordinarily low, but I shall try.
As such my activity level will drop significantly, if I end up being online, I will probably leave thoughts on tournament ideas/council projects, but if admins see it fit they may strip me of my staff positions (a huge part of me obv doesnt want that, but i should probably fight that part of me).
I dunno what I should do regarding WC, chances are TorB just gets the win by bye, as sad as that may be.