I had heard that this was coming, so it didn't really come as a surprise. However I was surprised that you didn't stay for the whole duration of War. I think it's unfortunate that people who have been with us for more than a year, decide to abandon their teams in the middle of War, making the last memory we have of them: "the guy who abandoned his team in War #3". I personally feel that the legacy of Gl1tch could have been epic. But by quitting like this, and not even telling your War team about it, makes it a bit.. meh.
Oh, well. Bye for now.
EDIT: I have to add one more thing.
I've been looking at some of the material we have in the WoE lore section, and I have to say the stuff Gl1tch wrote is pretty damn cool. In my opinion, Gl1tch is easily the top-3 writer that has been part of the community, if not the best, so WoE team losing him was very unfortunate. You truly are one talented individual.