“Il mio nome è Vittorio Alfieri: il luogo dove io son nato, l'Italia: nessuna terra mi è Patria. L'arte mia son le Muse: la predominante passione, l'odio della tirannide; l'unico scopo d'ogni mio pensiero, parola, e scritto, il combatterla sempre, sotto qualunque o placido, o frenetico, o stupido aspetto ella si manifesti o si asconda.”
[Vittorio Alfieri, Misogallo, part I]
To be honest, I wrote a first a draw of this farewell post. It started from my first days here, to current ones, but that post was, meh, too long. It included tons of screenshots too, and other stuff. But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
So I deleted it, and I’ve written this one.
I always said I’d be here until the last day, but unfortunately I was put in a position of not being able to keep my faith in this regard.
I’m one of the older members here, one of the older active players; I’ve held various staff position, and I always tried to do what, in conscience, I considered the best for the community. I’m sorry if I failed somehow, somewhere.
When, during War #8, I supported and voted for suspending an admin, I reminded all that a mistake can not and should not erase all the good that has been done before.
This hasn’t been applied to me, even if I’m still sure I made nothing wrong. I’ve been banned for a joke and to have stated an opinion. The majority of the moderators agreed with me that bans weren’t deserved for what I’ve done.
Actually, it wasn’t the sanction itself, but how it was given to “hurt” me. The total lack of respect for me, while giving the bans and after in the explanations, and the abuse of admin powers to handle and to escalate something that has been put on a personal level.
I was a chat moderator, a staffer. I have been arbitrarily removed from my position, by the same person, a year before, proposed me for that position.
Quoting an italian journalist, “E' meglio essere cacciati per aver detto qualche verità che restare al prezzo di certi patteggiamenti.” [Enzo Biagi]
Now, I see well this game is a game, important things in life are other…but: few weeks ago, just for fun, I calculated (according on forum stats)how much time I’ve spent here, almost 124 days. Since I’ve born April, 7th, 1982, I’ve spent on this community more or less the 1% of my entire existence.
I guess it’s enough to be allowed –at least- to feel sad, this moment.
I leave you with my best wishes (it’s what Romeo said to Balthasar):
Live, and be prosperous: and farewell, good fellow.
PS: Delenda Carthago.