For those who don't know, I've recently moved to uni. I assumed I'd have more than enough time to do stuff. I was wrong.
There's no family crisis, no drama, nothing exciting or intriguing. I just don't have enough time. I have enough time to be around every now and then. But this community has given so much to me, and I've attempted to give back what I can. However, taking two staff roles in my current state is nothing but an insult. This community deserves better.
I believe
Linkcat is more than capable as FGO. I
very strongly regret having to make this post so soon after being hired - soon enough that
Kuroaitou hasn't even fully left the role yet. As much as I'd love to stay, I can't guarantee activity, and in a subforum as active as Forum Games I don't think that's acceptable. I will keep working on my own projects as and when I can, and hopefully host a few things when time allows.
Brawl, however, is a slightly different story. Last year, owing to
Naesala's complications, I was left to host Brawl mostly by myself. With a helping hand from
Zawadx, I think it went reasonably successfully. However, with only a few months to go until the event itself, something needs to be done - if I attempted to host it would be a joke rife with delays and inadequacy. I think that
Fippe94 could do with a helping hand in the last few bits of setting up and hosting. As such, I'll do what I can, when I can, to help set it up but hosting Brawl is a 2-man job at best and I might not be able
to fill one of those men.
I'll be around for Code Crash and the rest of Mafia 63m and until Brawl is sorted. If you need me, my PM box is always open. I will lurk when I can.
I would like to write a little paragraph for everyone who's affected me; however I fear that this would show preference to those about whom I'm able to write more. So you can have a boring little list instead. But you can have a little line each, unless your name is Linkcat. If you think you belong on the list please do poke me, I'm certain I've overlooked or forgotten to type at least a couple people.
Basman-1453, for <3
chrispybacon84, for <3
ddevans96, for the interesting conversations
Demagog, for being a sneaky tactical genius
Discord, for
DoubleCapitals, for RS1
Espithel, for being you
fabian771, for letting me fangirl about spreadsheets
Fippe94, for being snazzy
JonathanCrazyJ, for complaining about the weather with me
Kuroaitou, for RS2 and for letting me continue the FGO legacy
LinkcatLunaris, for <3
Naesala *stab*
OdinVanguard, for helping me with 3D
rob77dp, for liking Interstellar as much as I do
Silver Emerald, for correcting all of my mistakes
for being as bastard as I am if not moreso
Solaris, for the inexplicably odd conversations
Submachine, for <3
UTAlan, for being bloody fantastic at always putting in effort ,3
worldwideweb3, for RS3 and uni stuff
Zawadx, for helping me with Brawl
ZephyrPhantom, for introducing me to card design
I'd write some of you a little PM to say goodbye for now, but that seems like a lot of effort.
cya sluts. bbl