CuCN was not hired as a warmaster for W#9 (afaik-- correct me if wrong).
Hence, it's not his responsibility, even if he's been super-awesome at contributing and helping out with war. He has done a fine job in the past, and I am confident that if he stays he will be a boon to our community. If anything, this man deserves kudos for, among other things, delivering consistent sound advice, donating his time creating and helping manage war tools, and all-around being a good guy. Reading over the posted convo, sure, it might've been a missed detail, but those things happen and it's honestly not worth going nuts over. It wasn't his responsibility, and he doesn't deserve to be attacked over it.
As a member of Team Darkness, yes, I am very miffed about the EC. Yes, it basically says "Hi Darkness, take half your vault and trash it. Even though if you went 0-5 you'd still have a bigger vault, sucks to be you." Under normal or extra-discard EC, I'm pretty sure darkness would have a very very low chance of losing (no offense to
). Unfortunately, there's nothing I or any of us (or Team Air!) can do about it. This does not justify attacks on our organizers, who have donated their time, effort, and expertise in helping to make this great event. Even more so for this one, who wasn't actually hired for WM. It's worth throwing out there to say that if he had more access/familiarity with our exact vaults, it's possible that this mistake would not have occurred. (And if he disagrees with me here, oh well. It's what I believe, and I'm sticking with it.)
CuCN, while it's your choice whether you want to stay, leave, or take another hiatus, I know that the forums are a better place because of your presence. Please, don't leave over something this silly. We'll miss you if you do, but I think I can speak for the vast majority of us when I say that I'd prefer to have you stick around. You're awesome, and one small mistake while giving advice for a position that is not something you are responsible for is not the end of the world.