i don't agree that the prize money should be increased same as 5 spins or so .. getting upped card (or gain enough money) seems to me actually like balanced okay ..
currently if i need to do so i'm able to gain enough money for upping *several cards in few hours .. and it's due to the that, that i have actually about ~ 200 upped cards .. my girlfriend has begun playing and she has already several upped cards (with my advices) got in very short time of playing ..
only what seems reasonable to me is to do something with half gods and probably renew current FGs (eg adding some new or modify existing) ..
please note: upped card has some value and this value could be translated as time needed to gain enough resources .. modifying this could lead to totally change of all game aspects
regards, daniel
Well look. A mastered god is worth 120 Gp. (Where Gp = gold points = electrum) A card is worth 1000.
If you /master/ a false god, you can afford maybe one unupgraded dragon. By spinning 1 upgraded card, you can almost afford to upgrade that same dragon. So why is this broken? Because the gap between spinning upgraded cards and spinning unupgraded cards is almost 10 fold. The only way to afford an FG deck is to have one.
The point of half bloods is to provide a stepping stone between gods and half bloods. But until we balance the gods, we'll never know where that halfway is. To balance them, right now, fighting an half-blood deck should give approximately 300 GP per win. That'd be half of how much you earn from beating a false god. But to warrant a 300 GP win, they have to be harder. Right now they're easier than AI3, they just take longer to beat. As long as the reward system relies on spins, however, there's no such thing as a 300GP card. There's no way to provide a halfway unless half bloods are fully upgraded with half the spins.
But it doesn't matter how you look at it. Right now there are simply two levels of player. The AI3 player, who sits there grinding for 40 Gp a match hoping to afford the needed upgrades, and the False god player, who's completely forgotten what it was like to be an AI3 player and thing the AI3 kids have it easy.
Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the greece. The average AI3 farmer doesn't join the forum, they get frustrated. But the FG pro? He joins the forum and regularly shouts his opinion about how FGs need to be designed to be beaten by /their/ FG deck (see, the upgraded pufferfish fiasco). Sure, maybe you found it easy to get to FG deck, but I happen to have a small community of players at my school. One of them has a gravity/light AI3 duo and no idea how to ever reach FG level. Even if he fully upgraded his deck, he wouldn't have any means of grinding for upgraded cards. Because the AI5 is out of balance. Because the gods are out of balance.
I agree with a lot of changes that have been suggested. Grouping the gods, is one of them. But this isn't the thread for that. I made that thread, it got ignored. This is the thread for posting remade more balanced gods.