
Offline MarvaddinTopic starter

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Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg358966#msg358966
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:41:30 pm »
This thread is intended to be a reference. Here you can see the proportion of a given card in any FG deck, towers and pendulum excluded.

Wanna see how probable is to get the upgraded card you want from farming all FGs? Will you consider it when upgrading cards next? Or will you suggest a new FG with cards no other FG uses and an exclusive strategy? Just curious about which cards are more used? Maybe, about how many FGs use cards of your favorite element? Well, here is the reference.

Example: Dissipation Shield is appointed as 2/33 to Chaos Lord. This means Chaos Lord base deck has 33 non-tower, non-pendulum cards, and 2 of these are Dissipation Shields. Double it for the real game total (4/66).

Ps: Nymphs are present for in game stats (you can know how many Nymphs a FG has), but when thinking about spins, remember they are converted to Relics. Relics stats consider converted Nymphs, just for spins.

Ps2: all FGs cards are upgraded, but both names of a card (if upgraded and unupgraded names are different) are listed, because some of the cards are much better known by their name on unupgraded form.

Enjoy! And feel free to post any curious fact about this :D

Spoiler for Other:
Fake Gods
Dagger / Dirk-
Short Sword / Long Sword-
Hammer / Gavel-
RelicDark Matter (2/28); Dream Catcher (1/32); Serket (2/25)
Short Bow / Longbow-
Shield / Tower ShieldAkebono (1/19)

Spoiler for Entropy:
Fake Gods
Maxwell's DemonChaos Lord (1/33); Destiny (2/29)
Abomination / Micro AbominationDream Catcher (6/32)
Purple Dragon / Amethyst DragonChaos Lord (1/33)
Dissipation Shield / Dissipation FieldChaos Lord (2/33)
Lycanthrope / WerewolfChaos Lord (2/33); Rainbow (4/36)
Chaos Seed / Chaos PowerChaos Lord (3/33); Destiny (5/29)
Nova / SupernovaChaos Lord (6/33); Destiny (5/29); Dream Catcher (6/32)
Mutation / Improved MutationChaos Lord (3/33)
DiscordChaos Lord (1/33); Dream Catcher (2/32)
Fallen Elf / Fallen DruidChaos Lord (4/33); Destiny (2/29)
Antimatter / Improved Antimatter-
Butterfly EffectDream Catcher (3/32)
Schrödinger's cat-
Purple NymphDream Catcher (1/32)
Shard of Serendipity-

Spoiler for Death:
Fake Gods
Bone Dragon / Ivory DragonMorte (2/38)
Virus / RetrovirusIncarnate (4/28); Morte (6/38)
Flesh Spider / Flesh RecluseMorte (1/38); Serket (5/25)
Vulture / CondorMorte (3/38)
Skull Shield / Skull Buckler-
Skeleton / Elite Skeleton-
Boneyard / GraveyardIncarnate (5/28); Morte (3/38)
Poison / Deadly PoisonMorte (5/38); Scorpio (5/33)
Plague / Improved PlagueMorte (3/38)
ArsenicMorte (2/38); Scorpio (1/33); Serket (2/25)
Bone WallIncarnate (4/28); Morte (3/38)
Mummy / Elite Mummy-
DeathstalkerSerket (5/25)
Soul Catcher-
Grey Nymph / Death Nymph-
Shard of Sacrifice-

Spoiler for Gravity:
Fake Gods
Sapphire Charger / Elite ChargerDark Matter (4/28); Graviton (2/21)
Armagio / Elite ArmagioAkebono (2/19); Dark Matter (1/28); Graviton (1/21)
Graviton Mercenary / Graviton Guard-
Colossal Dragon / Massive DragonAkebono (6/19); Dark Matter (1/28); Gemini (3/26)
Gravity ShieldGraviton (1/21)
Momentum / UnstoppableAkebono (1/19); Chaos Lord (1/33); Dark Matter (1/28); Gemini (4/26); Graviton (3/21); Obliterator (4/27); Osiris (2/18)
Otyugh / Elite OtyughDark Matter (2/28); Graviton (3/21)
TitanAkebono (1/19); Dark Matter (1/28); Graviton (1/21)
Gravity Pull / Gravity ForceDark Matter (4/28); Graviton (1/21); Obliterator (5/27); Rainbow (3/36)
Graviton Fire Eater / Graviton FiremasterGraviton (6/21)
Black HoleDark Matter (6/28); Dream Catcher (1/32)
ChimeraAkebono (2/19)
Catapult / TrebuchetOsiris (2/18)
Acceleration / OverdriveAkebono (4/19)
Graviton Salvager-
Amber Nymph / Gravity NymphDark Matter (2/28)
Shard of FocusAkebono (2/19); Osiris (2/18)

Spoiler for Earth:
Fake Gods
Antlion / Elite AntlionSeism (1/30)
Hematite Golem / Steel GolemSeism (2/30)
Stone Dragon / Basalt DragonObliterator (5/27); Seism (2/30)
Titanium Shield / Diamond ShieldObliterator (2/27); Seism (1/30)
Plate Armor / Heavy ArmorHermes (3/38)
Gnome Rider / Gnome GemfinderSeism (3/30)
PulverizerObliterator (2/27); Seism (1/30)
Graboid / Elite GraboidRainbow (4/36); Seism (6/30)
Shrieker / Elite ShriekerObliterator (6/27)
Enchant Artifact / Protect ArtifactDream Catcher (1/32); Hermes (2/38); Obliterator (3/27); Seism (2/30)
Earthquake / QuicksandDream Catcher (1/32); Seism (6/30)
Stone Skin / Granite SkinSeism (1/30)
Basilisk Blood-
Iridium Warden / Vanadium Warden-
Auburn Nymph / Earth Nymph-
Shard of Integrity-

Spoiler for Life:
Fake Gods
Emerald Dragon / Jade DragonFerox (4/34); Miracle (1/21)
Horned Frog / Giant FrogFerox (4/34)
Rustler / Leaf DragonFerox (6/34); Miracle (2/21)
Cockatrice / Elite CockatriceFerox (4/34)
Forest Spirit / Forest SpectreElidnis (6/39); Rainbow (4/36)
Heal / Improved HealElidnis (2/39)
Thorn Carapace / Spine Carapace-
Emerald Shield / Jade ShieldElidnis (1/39); Ferox (1/34); Miracle (1/21)
Druidic Staff / Jade StaffElidnis (1/39); Ferox (1/34); Miracle (1/21)
Empathic Bond / Feral BondElidnis (5/39); Ferox (6/34); Fire Queen (6/23)
Adrenaline / EpinephrineFerox (2/34)
Forest Scorpion / ScorpionSerket (5/25)
Green Nymph / Life NymphSerket (2/25)
Shard of Gratitude-

Spoiler for Fire:
Fake Gods
Ash Eater / Brimstone EaterHermes (4/38)
Crimson Dragon / Ruby DragonEternal Phoenix (2/19); Hermes (1/38)
Fire Spirit / Fire SpectreHermes (4/38)
Fire Bolt / Fire LanceEternal Phoenix (2/19); Fire Queen (3/23); Hermes (6/38); Octane (2/20)
Fire Shield / Fire BucklerHermes (1/38); Octane (1/20)
Deflagration / ExplosionChaos Lord (1/33); Divine Glory (6/20); Eternal Phoenix (4/19); Graviton (2/21); Hermes (6/38); Octane (2/20); Rainbow (4/36)
FahrenheitFire Queen (2/23); Hermes (1/38)
Rain of Fire / Fire StormEternal Phoenix (1/19); Graviton (1/21); Hermes (2/38)
Immolation / Cremation-
Lava Golem / Lava DestroyerHermes (6/38)
Rage Potion / Rage ElixirDream Catcher (1/32); Hecate (6/23); Hermes (2/38)
Phoenix / Minor PhoenixEternal Phoenix (6/19)
Red Nymph / Fire Nymph-
Shard of Bravery-

Spoiler for Water:
Fake Gods
Chrysaora / PhysaliaDream Catcher (1/32); Scorpio (3/33)
Blue Crawler / Abyss CrawlerElidnis (3/39); Neptune (4/25); Scorpio (3/33)
Freeze / CongealChaos Lord (1/33); Dream Catcher (1/32); Elidnis (5/39); Neptune (1/25); Rainbow (3/36); Scorpio (3/33)
Ice Bolt / Ice LanceScorpio (1/33)
Ice Shield / Permafrost ShieldJezebel (1/17); Neptune (2/25); Scorpio (2/33)
PurifyScorpio (1/33)
Arctic Squid / Arctic OctopusNeptune (4/25); Scorpio (2/33)
Trident / PoseidonNeptune (1/25); Scorpio (1/33)
Ice Dragon / Arctic DragonNeptune (2/25); Scorpio (1/33)
Toadfish / Puffer FishElidnis (3/39); Scorpio (6/33)
Mind Flayer / UlitharidElidnis (3/39); Scorpio (2/33)
Nymph's TearsJezebel (6/17)
Flooding / InundationNeptune (4/25)
Steam Machine-
Dry Spell / Desiccation-
Nymph Queen / Water Nymph-
Shard of Patience-

Spoiler for Light:
Fake Gods
Photon / Ray of LightChaos Lord (6/33); Ferox (6/34); Morte (6/38); Paradox (8/40)
Golden Dragon / Light DragonMiracle (3/21)
Pegasus / Elite PegasusMiracle (2/21)
Holy Light / Holy Flash-
Solar Shield / Solar BucklerMiracle (1/21)
Guardian Angel / ArchangelDark Matter (4/28); Morte (3/38)
Blessing / Improved BlessingDark Matter (1/28); Miracle (3/21); Paradox (8/40)
Reflective Shield / Mirror ShieldParadox (2/40)
Morning Star / Morning GloryDark Matter (1/28); Divine Glory (6/20); Miracle (1/21); Paradox (2/40)
Miracle / Improved MiracleDivine Glory (3/20); Miracle (3/21); Morte (1/38); Paradox (3/40); Rainbow (2/36)
Luciferin / Luciferase-
CrusaderLionheart (5/21)
White Nymph / Light Nymph-
Shard of Divinity-

Spoiler for Air:
Fake Gods
Dragonfly / Damselfly-
Wyrm / Elite Wyrm-
Azure Dragon / Sky Dragon-
Fog Shield / Improved Fog-
Thunderstorm / Lightning Storm-
Flying Weapon / Animate WeaponDivine Glory (5/20); Fire Queen (3/23); Lionheart (1/21); Octane (4/20)
Firefly Queen / Elite QueenFire Queen (6/23); Miracle (3/21)
Firefly / Elite Firefly-
Owl's Eye / Eagle's EyeFire Queen (3/23); Neptune (1/25); Octane (5/20); Rainbow (2/36)
Unstable GasOctane (6/20)
ShockwaveDream Catcher (2/32); Neptune (6/25)
Sky Blitz-
Blue Nymph / Air Nymph-
Shard of Freedom-

Spoiler for Time:
Fake Gods
Deja Vu / Elite Deja VuDream Catcher (1/32); Paradox (8/40)
Fate EggDestiny (6/29); Dream Catcher (1/32)
Procrastination / Turtle ShieldLionheart (2/21); Osiris (1/18)
Reverse Time / RewindDestiny (4/29); Osiris (2/18); Seism (4/30)
Golden Hourglass / Electrum HourglassDestiny (3/29); Lionheart (5/21); Paradox (4/40); Rainbow (5/36)
Devonian Dragon / Silurian DragonSeism (1/30)
Anubis / Elite AnubisLionheart (3/21)
EternityDestiny (2/29); Lionheart (2/21); Osiris (1/18)
Scarab / Elite Scarab-
PrecognitionOsiris (2/18)
PharaohLionheart (1/21); Osiris (6/18)
Dune Scorpion-
Ghost of the Past-
Golden Nymph-
Shard of Readiness-

Spoiler for Darkness:
Fake Gods
Black Dragon / Obsidian Dragon-
Devourer / PestDecay (6/23); Dream Catcher (2/32)
Parasite / BloodsuckerIncarnate (4/28)
Dusk Mantle / Improved DuskDecay (1/23); Hecate (1/23)
Steal / Improved StealChaos Lord (1/33); Decay (2/23); Hecate (2/23); Jezebel (4/17); Rainbow (3/36)
Nightfall / EclipseDecay (1/23); Hecate (2/23); Incarnate (4/28); Serket (3/25)
Vampire Stiletto / Vampire DaggerHecate (1/23); Incarnate (1/28); Jezebel (1/17)
Drain Life / Siphon LifeDecay (6/23); Jezebel (2/17)
Minor Vampire / VampireIncarnate (6/28)
Liquid ShadowHecate (4/23)
Voodoo DollHecate (6/23)
NightmareHecate (1/23)
CloakJezebel (3/17); Serket (3/25)
Black Nymph / Dark Nymph-
Shard of Void-

Spoiler for Aether:
Fake Gods
Spark / Ball Lightning-
Lightning / ThunderboltDream Catcher (1/32); Eternal Phoenix (1/19); Rainbow (2/36)
Parallel Universe / Twin UniverseElidnis (5/39); Gemini (6/26); Paradox (5/40); Scorpio (2/33)
Immortal / Elite ImmortalGemini (1/26)
Dimensional Shield / Phase ShieldGemini (4/26)
Lobotomizer / ElectrocutorDecay (1/23); Gemini (1/26)
Phase Dragon / Elite Phase DragonElidnis (3/39); Gemini (1/26)
Phase Spider / Phase RecluseGemini (6/26)
QuintessenceDream Catcher (1/32); Elidnis (2/39); Lionheart (2/21)
FractalDecay (6/23); Eternal Phoenix (3/19)
Phase Salvager-
Turquoise Nymph / Aether Nymph-
Shard of Wisdom-

Spoiler for All cards FGs dont have, rares excluded:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rj 6rk 6rl 6rr 6u7 6u9 6ua 6ve 715 716 71c 71d 71f 72i 747 74j 75m 77l 77m 78q 7aj 7ap 7bu 7dp 7du 7f2 7h2 7h3 7i6 7js 7k3 7k4 7k6 7la 7mt 7mu 7mv 7n0 7n1 7n4 7n8 7n9 7oe 7q9 7qa 7qd 7qe 7ri 7t5 7tf 7um 809 80j 80k 80l 80m 8pp

No FG use a  :water mark.

Here is another reference, courtesy of whatifidogetcaught?.

This shows the proportion of each Tower and Pendulum type for each FG base deck, considering all cards. Double for real in-game proportion. It also includes, just about curiosity, a mark reference for FGs (you cannot get mark cards from spins).

Spoiler for Towers, Pendulums and Marks:
Towers, Pendulums and Marks
Fake Gods
Quantum Pillar / Quantum TowerChaos Lord (10/53); Jezebel (10/34); Lionheart (3/40); Rainbow (24/60)
Amethyst Pillar / Amethyst TowerChaos Lord (10/53); Destiny (13/50); Dream Catcher (6/38)
Entropy Pendulum-
Mark of EntropyChaos Lord;  Dream Catcher
Bone Pillar / Bone TowerMorte (15/53); Serket (7/40)
Death Pendulum-
Mark of DeathIncarnate; Morte; Scorpio
Gravity Pillar / Gravity TowerAkebono (16/35); Dark Matter (19/47); Gemini (6/45); Graviton (14/35)
Gravity Pendulum-
Mark of GravityAkebono; Obliterator; Osiris
Stone Pillar / Stone TowerObliterator (20/47); Seism (16/46)
Earth Pendulum-
Mark of EarthHermes
Emerald Pillar / Emerald TowerFerox (17/51); Fire Queen (16/50); Miracle (4/38); Serket (8/40)
Life Pendulum-
Mark of LifeElidnis; Ferox
Burning TowerDivine Glory (3/36); Eternal Phoenix (11/30); Hermes (20/58)
Fire Pendulum-
Mark of FireGraviton; Hecate; Octane
Water Pillar / Water TowerElidnis (10/56); Jezebel (7/34); Neptune (12/37); Scorpio (18/54)
Water Pendulum-
Mark of Water-
Light Pillar / Light TowerDivine Glory (13/36); Lionheart (5/40); Miracle (9/38)
Light Pendulum-
Mark of LightDark Matter; Divine Glory; Miracle
Wind Pillar / Wind TowerFire Queen (11/50); Miracle (4/38); Octane (12/32)
Air Pendulum-
Mark of AirFire Queen; Neptune
Time Factory / Time TowerDestiny (8/50); Lionheart (8/50); Osiris (16/34)
Time Pendulum-
Mark of TimeDestiny; Lionheart; Paradox; Rainbow; Seism
Obsidian Pillar / Obsidian TowerHecate (10/33); Incarnate (15/43)
Darkness Pendulum-
Mark of DarknessDecay; Jezebel; Serket
Aether Pillar / Aether TowerDecay (7/30); Elidnis (7/50); Gemini (13/45); Paradox (10/50); Scorpio (3/54)
Aether PendulumLionheart (3/40)
Mark of AetherEternal Phoenix; Gemini
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 11:27:10 pm by Marvaddin »


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Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg359929#msg359929
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 11:25:57 pm »
Photon / Ray of Light

Chaos Lord (6/33); Ferox (6/34); Morte (6/38); Paradox (8/40)

I don't understand why paradox can use more than 12 copies of 1 card (16). It kind of violates the restriction of False Gods.

nice post ;) but I won't use it XD.

Offline MarvaddinTopic starter

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Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg365236#msg365236
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 02:31:42 am »
Well, looks like Paradox was one of the first FGs, looks like there was no such restriction that time.

I just made some changes, looks like some FGs had wrong data:

Akebono: -1 Gravity Force; +1 Overdrive

Hecate: +1 Eclipse; -2 Nightmare; total cards: 24 to 23.

Interesting fact #1: cards used by more FGs are Unstoppable and Explosion. Each of this is used by 7 FGs. Chaos Lord and Graviton use both of them.


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Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg365240#msg365240
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 02:36:00 am »
Thx a lot Marv for gathering all that data for us :)
I think I'll have that in mind next time that I'll upgrade cards.

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Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg365831#msg365831
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 09:09:08 am »
Awesome. If I remember correctly, the formula to get a card is : the computer chooses 5 cars, at random, that are not pillars. Then, he spins them in da wheels?
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Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg366035#msg366035
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 06:06:13 pm »
Close, but not correct. Let me find the quote (warning - the quote is very outdated , so I'll spoiler it.

After MUCH digging around on the flashkit forum, I have found the mysterious secrets of the magical slot machine (http://board.flashkit.com/board/showpost.php?p=4178125&postcount=321:D

Quote from: zanzarino
Well I will reveal the mystery about the spinning wheel:

The program takes the opponent deck and randomly finds 5 non pillar cards, the 5 non pillars cards are used for the spinning, so the possible combinations are


the winning combinations are


If all the 5 cards are different, the chance to win with a single spin is:

5/125 = 4%
(that's why I said 5%, it is actually 4, but there is a small chances that 2 or more of the same card will be used)

However, if a deck is specialized, the chances to have more cards of the same kind in the cards pool are higher, if 2 of the five cards are the same the chance to win is:

((2^3)+2) / 125 = 11/125 = 8.8%

etc... so, putting it in a table:

5 different cards = 4% winning chance
4 different cards = 8.8% winning chance
3 different cards = 23.2% winning chance
2 different cards = 52% winning chance
all cards are the same = 100%

That means that from a deck with only one kind of non-pillar card you'll win for sure, BUT....

In the new version I added something else: the program has only 50 chances to find all the 5 non-pillar cards, if it is not successfull at doing that it will start drawing pillars as well. This way, playing against a pillar only deck will give you 3 pillars. Statistic for almost all pillar decks gets quite complicated.
Actual step by step walkthrough:
Quote from: chriskang
1. Pick a random card in your opponent's deck
2. If it's a pillar, go back to 1
3. Security mechanism (for builds that are composed of pillars only) : if, after 10 random picks, you still get a pillar then keep it
4. Store card in variable card1.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4, until you have filled 4 variables
6. Now the spinning starts for 3 rounds but you only pick cards in [card1, card2, card3, card4]. This ways, the chances to pick 3 times the same one are much higher.
EDITED by Mr. Jellyfish:

I wish I had seen this before... I wouldn't have explained everything again here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,712.msg7409#msg7409).

A few comments though:

* The first part of the algorithm creates what I call a "shortlist" of 5 cards, but only the first 4 are actually used afterwards (and that's what really counts). So the chances to get something are higher than what Zanzarino says. I don't know if it's bug or not, but that's how it works.

* The mechanism to prevent infinite loops described at the end of the post, doesn't stop searching for non-pillar cards after 50 failed attempts but after 10. That makes the risks to get a pillar from the spinning wheel much higher for builds that have about 50% pillars (or more). Also, only elemental pillars, elemental towers and quantum pillars are excluded. For some reasons, quantum towers are considered valid.

* There are also 2 undescribed mechanisms:
- one that converts every card into its non-upgraded version if you're not fighting against a fake god. This mechanism takes place after the exclusion of pillars, so quantum towers might be chosen in first place and then converted into quantum pillars (that's common in PvP)
- and another that has a 10% chance to replace the first card of the shortlist by a shard, if you're fighting against a fake god. The shard inserted here is always the one that upgrades into Shard of Divinity.
The important part is the second quote in the spoiler. From what I understand, the game picks a random card in the deck. If it's a pillar, it repeats the that step, unless a pillar has been picked a certain number of times. It repeats this process until it has a certain number of variable cards, and these are what appear in the slots.

Even though the quote itself is outdated, it still seems to be similar to how the slots work today.
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  • War to the Fake Gods!
Re: Reference: cards proportion in FGs decks. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28120.msg1041739#msg1041739
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 03:21:02 am »
Updated February 13rd, 2013.


- New cards added.
- Shards moved to respective elements.
- 2 Shard of Focus added to Akebono and Osiris.  Akebono total cards changed from 17 to 19, Osiris total cards changed from 16 to 18.
- Added deck code with all non-rare cards FGs dont have. (Credits to whatifidogetcaught?)

Updated February 15h, 2013.

- Added reference for Towers, Pendulums and Marks. (Credits to whatifidogetcaught?)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 03:17:30 am by Marvaddin »

