...let's take advantage!
Let's develop totally unupgraded, no-rare decks that most experienced non-experts (hereafter "noobs" even though that might not be an accurate description) could put together in a day's grind that will have a solid win ratio against a specific False God or set of False Gods.
The point, of course, is to allow the Oracle's FG prediction to give noobs a good chance to win an upgraded card.
For example, if you were limited to unupgraded cards and no rares, what's the best deck you could build to take down Miracle? Destiny? Paradox?
I realize that there's little way to handle Rainbow, but most of the other gods have weaknesses that are exploitable if you know that they're coming. Let's exploit them in the name of the noobs!
(Sample deck forestalled due to lack of time...sorry!)