?? Deckin out Ferox ?? Watch his life quanta (And he used the LeafDragons once per turn.)
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd80312/ferox_01.bmp) (http://imageplay.net/)
Pulvy was too late, I was able to blow up 3-4 bonds then I started to rewind. But the bastard came up with more bonds, furthermore his hand got filled which has slowed the poison even more.
He could've beaten you if he just had a bit more life quanta, imo.
Anyone manage to deck out Rainbow or Hermes yet?
Epic lose against Rainbow:
Both of us had 6 cards in our deck, when the bastard suddenly stopped drawing via hourglasses (improved AI?). Since his hand was filled with CC, miracle, EE, he drew only 1 card for 6 turns decking me out...
Btw, most of my wins against Rainbow came from decking him out. All I need is 2 quinted oty early game, 1 quinted FFQ early-midgame, bonewall and PA'd Eternity in the end, which is extremely easy to manage
Never decked out Hermes, but if he had PA'd fahrenheit it was impossible. (Bonewall -> death lace , mirrorshield -> fahrenheit). But now it can be possible with a quinted earth nymph, a voodoo doll and mirror shield. I don't really know if basiliskblooded voodoo affects the PA'd fahren.