I have a challenge to everybody.
Try to kill Ivy (in Death trainer)..
1. Without Using any Shards
2. Without using Quantum Towers/Pillars
and if you really want to be hardcore..
3. With the wrong mark!
I managed to do this after failing numerous times with different deck ideas. The solution was pretty simple but maybe not so easy to figure out. Funniest part was when I finally managed to kill him, I saw that I had forgot to change my mark after my last deck attempt so my mark was a wrong one and useless. 
Good luck.
I've been trying this for a while now (doing the hardcore version) and still haven't found the solution. I hope you have that screenshot still to show us what deck you used because I'd be really interested. I've done a bunch of mono and dual decks without much success.
An interesting challenge would be to try and go back and beat all nine of these gods without quantum towers/pillars and without any Shards. I've beaten three of them like that. I might go back and try the other six.
Yes, I have the screenshots but I'm not going to show it just yet. That would spoil your fun

I'll give you a hint.. you need Purify.

I tried to do the same thing with Mowgli but I failed. He is by far the most difficult False God I've ever fought. One time I got him down to 2 HP (using a similar deck I used against Ivy) but then died.