I guess Mowgli is a modified version of my Mindfreeze, with all his Ulitharids and everything... And Neville is a modified version of Jellyfish's Legend. So what's with those weird names? To prevent us from guessing their strategies by looking at their names?
That's it. This was suggested by someone here on the forum (can't remember who though).
And for the environmental effects...
For the Gravity realm, Gravity Shield block creatures with HP greater than 4. And your quanta reset to 5 every turn.
For the Entropy realm, Discord destroys quanta instead of converting. And there's some weird things about Dissipation Shield, Fire Bolt and Fahrenheit.
For the Death realm, Bone Wall and such cards are more powerful.
Mostly right. But you just have about half of the effects here
I'll reveal the full list when the challenge is over (by the end of the week).
And if there is a Water realm... I would guess that Congeal will freeze something for 5 turns instead of 4...
We'll see that in JFF Part 3
Like I expected, rest of the Gods fell when I while I was sleeping.
Gravity Gods were under heavy attack for 5 hours before they fell. So I guess they were not THAT easy.
1. Remove Shards from trainer (!!!)
2. Remove Quantum Pillars so that players need to think about decks, not just use the basic God killer. Also Quantum Pillars are also bugged and overpowered when AI uses them.
This might be an environment effect in one future realm. But I don't plan to remove them everywhere. There are some other ways to prevent players from using rainbow decks. For example, have you tried to use such a deck in the Entropy realm? The scramble effect would ruin your strategy you'd have to
think about another way to win
If you look at the screenshots, you'll see that strategies are actually quite different from god to god. That let me think that people actually used their brain a little to beat them.
3. Four trainers and three Gods for each trainer. That is a total of 12 Gods. Gods would use primary (bunch of pillars) and a secondary (their mark) quantum source. All different elements would be used once as a primary and once as a secondary. This would make sure that all the 12 elements are equally represented.
The global effects (5 quantums at start, AI improvements, ability to use unupgraded cards, and so on) took me about 10 hours to develop.
Then for each realm, I spent about 7 hours creating effects and 3 hours designing/testing builds.
For the full challenge, that represents something like 40 hours of work.
I really wanted to do more (like a 4th realm) but with my work last week, that wasn't possible.
Remember that I don't have a compilable source code and I have to do all changes with an hexadecimal editor directly inside the swf. That's VERY complicated.
4. Gods should have more permanent removal if possible.
I'll remember that.
5. Right now there are 3 threads about this challenge. To make it more simple, it might be a good idea to have only 1 thread for each challenge. I don't think we need different threads for screenshots and discussion, because people probably like to talk about those screenshots, and having to go to another thread to discuss about something on this thread is not the best option.
Well, I was hoping for more people to join the challenge. And a 10 pages thread for discussions and screenshots would be to much for most readers.
With the current number of attendants, you're probably right.