Completely revamped. What about it?
I tried to streamline the teams a bit, while mantaining them different from each other as much as possible. As always, balancing issues are around the cornere, but feedback is what this is about, right? I also tried to add a whole lot of theme into the event. I hope you like it.
The rules may seem a bit strange, but they are fairly simple:
- Barbarians kill their opponents, fight until everybody is dead and have flat restrictions / advantages.
- the Court kills the opponent, is flat out strong and tries to survive as long as possible. However, it is easily counterable by a good thinker.
- the Twelve kill their opponents, try to survive as long as possible while the four Dukes die. They have overwhelming power that fades away fast.
- the Rebels do not kill, slowly gain in power and can escape death once every two rounds. They look for a war of attrition.
- the Sacred Order do not kill, but by depriving their enemies of their upgrades they can easily set up their corruption. They are gamblers and while they can be easily killed (especially when giving away all those upgrades), they can also win very fast by splitting their upgrades on different matches.
- the Crime Lords are similar to the Sacred Order, but their capacity to act on different levels and teams is intresting.