7272th post and review incoming:
Biased Ray: A repeatable CC protection permanent, huh? Props to costing this fairly appropriately based on the two ingame examples, though it's possible because of that comparison that this may be on the weak side. (Anubis is generally regarded as inefficient and Turquoise Nymph has a 7 | 4 body.) Probably could've had cost reduced by 1 or 2 even 2

, given that. Good combination of elements to accomplish something neither would be able to do separately, IMHO, much like Toadfish.
Pollution: I'm mainly worried about the fact that in a creatureless deck this ends up being Thunderstorm | Rain of Fire on a stick. The upgrade leap is too big IMHO - -1 cost and a notably stronger effect wave red flags to me in general. The fact that it affects all creatures does give it some lenience...at least, until you remember SoPa exists in

. At the very least, upped should just be - 0 | -2 - beyond that, i think this may need a bit of theorycraft or testing to fully balance out. A bit hard to see the

aspect of the card, but it definitely does involve a mechanic that has something both


possess while bringing sometihng new (but potentially very hard to balance ) to the table.
Meandering Stream: The upgrade seems to be a big jump in power at first but closer inspection reveals that these cards are almost completely different. It does offer


something promising that the duo wouldn't normally have. Upgraded Erosion may be a little more fair at

and the upgrade difference is a bit jarring (unlike Toadfish | Puffer Fish, I feel like it's missing a sort of 'click' that shows how the cards are similar enough to be an upgrade), but otherwise sound idea.
Ant Queen: Woo, this is a nice one; takes two things that feel very natural in their elements and mixes them together in an intriguing way. As simple as this card may seem, I really appreciate how you made the abilities blend together and offer


something it definitely doesn't have. Post-worthy, IMHO.
Unexploded Atomic Bomb: "Radiation is basically posion." - You might as well say Poison, given that. It's sort of a more CC-oriented UG and does offer Gravity / Entropy something new, which I'll give it points for (we really need


to be something besides DBH), but I'm iffy on whether access to Poison was the right thing to give


here. Reuses existing concepts in a creative way, but not sure if the theme completely justified the mechanics.
Bat: Nanananana.....Okay, that aside, I know some people don't like the idea of "Xing the unXable" (they should fight some X-Sabers), but ignoring that, this is admittedly a bit narrow in terms of use and mounted on top of an inefficient creature. I think that this card could've offered


more than just anti-immortality and/or could've been a tad more efficient statistically.
Grappling Hook: "Disarms players" may not seem clear right away but I think it is a fantastic quirk that gives this card plenty of incentive to constantly hit a player. The overall thing feels like a very clever spell/permanent mix with my only possible concern being there are a lot of different effects going on on this card, mainly because so much happens to a creature. In this case it feels like Earth's answer to a spider, though, so I think it passes.
Insane Wizard: Meh. I'm admittedly trying to see the appeal in this card but I have a hard time not seeing it as a less wieldly OE. Damage is slow to the point where I think most decks would prefer lightning bolt - the synergy with Quint is there, but I'm struggling to see the incentive to use it, especially when the upgraded version removes the need for that combo.