Updated card with 2 HP, should be less OP, I hope.
Sorry I just thought of using immolation instead of lighting so you will have the quantum for combust then hp won't matter.
At this point the combo is starting to add up, however
-1 wisp (to start fractal)
-immolate (x2)
At a cost of 9 to 10
and upwards of 40
One cremation will power 5 wisp deaths (4 unupgraded).
Granted that s not a huge combo list, but consider that by using immolate instead of lightening, you slightly lower the versatility.
E.g. Lightening can CC other creatures in a pinch.
Typically, fractal can pump out up to 8 creatures per turn but generally, you can push that down to 5 on average since it takes a bit of work to completely void one's hand before comboing (usu there is at least one other fractal in there... at least on the first use).
So I think 10 damage may be a little over the top here since it is a spammable half gas.
I think this card has a lot of potential. Its my favorite for this round (although ouija is a pretty good one too). But it will need more balancing.
I think there should be some kind of incentive to either 1) use combust rather than other kill methods or 2) enhance effect if it does not occur on its owner's turn
Another idea could be to ramp the damage dealt based on the amount of remaining HPs. This would certainly help limit fractal abuse...
E.g. instead of "deals 10 damage" use "deals 5 damage. Add 5 if combusted" or something like that.
In the end, the main thing is to nerf the one turn burst damage while enhancing some other aspect
-Defence (anti-CC)
-Combust requirement
-HP synnergy?