I never said I fell; my imprisonment was anything but just.

Frozengaia - MtG-style, huh. Aside from the (understandably) missed Light cue, this is actually fairly close to what I had in mind.
Meow - Nasty, and arguably way too good for its cost. Misses the slightly more obvious

cue, too. I'd say this would work better it was like 4

for a 3 | 3 creature. Decent concept, not very similar to Chained Archangel.
Opsinis - Super special awesome brownie points for uniqueness. If this card applied to just "similar creatures" as opposed to Archangels, I'd say it's worth a post in CI&A. Shame it doesn't really match this card at all.
Treldon - Heh, I expected someone to go this route. "Cast by sacrifice" is a good alternative to "Only able to attack if a creature dies", though that damage spam ability is really aggressive for the skill cost. X) Good interpretation and somewhat similar.
kirbylover314 - I love that Guardian Angel is a natural counter to this! It sums up the idea of their betrayal perfectly. Attack restrictions are skilfully done and overall I like where this card is headed; probably worth posting as an individual idea.
AD Storm Bolt - Hot damn this is almost exactly what I wanted. Possibly better, even; I was going for the flavor of a character I've written about, but yours is much better as a card idea. Great job!
1st Place - AD Storm Bolt
2nd Place for Similarity - Frozengaia
2nd Place for Cool Fitting Idea - kirbylover314
Honorable Mention: Opsinis for a pretty clever idea in its own right.