To be honest, I was being quite literal with this one - the only Element that can actually "throw" things is
with Catapult.
Aknelo : When is something considered "thrown"? Is it when catapult is used, or do other cards like Animate Weapon count as well? Also, how would one even throw this card? Right intent but too incomplete.
OP That aside, wording implies this is a spell, which kind of misses this card's point completely. Funny try, though, I'm sure chat liked that one.
Kirby: This is a really interesting idea that matches all the hints, but it doesn't fit what I'm looking for. You should post this idea, though.
Meow: Despite using
, this is the closest card by a mile mechanically.
mwaetht: Interesting take on the idea, though too dissimiliar to what I'd intended. I feel like this card is currently too quanta efficient (free Catapult and growing creature? seems a bit too much.)
1st) Meow
2nd) Kirby
3rd) mwaetht