Clever and hilarious ideas all around. Everyone gets a cookie, at least.
Elk: Not quite what I had in mind but achieves the same effect through different mechanics. Nice job! Considering posting it, maybe?
Meow: No
! =P Also, this makes it so your
opponent gets use of the Seduce ability, too. You have the general concept for my idea right, but quite a few hiccups.
mwaetht: Weird and interesting in its own right, but not quite what I wanted. Props to keeping hand manipulation in mind, though.
Christopaz: I'm a straight male, unfortunately. =P
kirby: Crusader is the first thing that would come to mind as odd, but fortunately you've added the self-attack clause to avoid awkward interactions. Could be post-worthy with a bit of tweaking.
1st) Elk - closest thing to a working implementation of the concept.
2nd) Meow - Right idea, but the resulting card doesn't work as intended.
3rd) Christopaz , b/c lolz