For those of you who thought it was going to use Void Pseudoquanta - not that I blame you, but I'd have been
far less subtle if it was a Pseudoquanta card, quite possibly to the point of making it a free 4th hint, providing the mark art, or extending the time limit. Assume the card can be designed within the limitations of elements unless a blatantly obvious monkey wrench like that shows up.
"Tee hee...wait, the cup's empty. CIEL, WHERE IS MY TEA?!"Opsinis - Appropriately grim; a bit klunky in terms of written, but it definitely conveys the theme I was aiming for. The 4 quanta cost knocks it down a bit in terms of similarity, though this may mean you have a less breakable card.
MeowMeowCat - Not what I was looking for at all, but pretty nasty effect and a clever idea that seems to stay within the balance zone. Unusual take on Death, and I can't seem to justify it in any other element.
Frozengaia - This is what happens when you overthink.
Design-wise, though, if we ignore the card cost it almost nails this card spot-on.
Treldon - Lacks the grim theme I was trying to imply, but nails everything besides the parasitic effect. Good job, though I'd probably lower the ATK a bit to keep the card balanced.
AD - Almost had it, but you seem to have gone the opposite route I did.
This was honestly a tough call, but..
1st Place goes to Treldon, for having the most faithful interpretation to the card; it lacks the parasitic effect but otherwise is almost exactly like it.
2st Place goes to Frozengaia : If not for the overthinking, you would've probably nailed this card straight on. Parasitic effect is almost a dead ringer, but it doesn't quite match Treldon's "overall package match" as well.
3rd Place goes to Opsinis: You pretty much got the card right, too; definitely could've competed for 1st place with smoother execution.