Welcome to another Card Design Challenge! Every other week, Card Curators will host a card design challenge with a certain theme or gimmick. During those 2 weeks, your goal is to design the best card you can that works with the challenge! Once those 2 weeks are up, a new Card Design Challenge will start and the current challenge will go into the Voting Phase! The winners of each poll will be awarded points. The current scores of designers can be found on the
Monthly Leaderboard!
For every 50 Card Design Challenge points, participants will get a cool award icon!
Score TableSpoiler for Score Table:
Amount of people | Points given/scored |
3 | 1 point for first. |
4-6 | 2 points for first, 1 point for second. |
7-8 | 3 points for first, 2 second, 1 third. 7 gives 2 votes. |
9-11 | 4 points for first, 3 second, 2 third, 1 fourth. |
12-13 | 5 for first, 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th, 1 5th. 12 gives 3 votes. |
14-16 | 6 for first, 5 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, 1 6th. |
This week's challenge is to Make a card which best represents love! ♥
RulesSpoiler for Specific Rules:
Create a thematic, balanced and appropriate card that best represents the emotion of love. This can be any type of love, and more importantly one that you feel best represents the emotion in its entirety.
For inspiration, check out the game
Love by Contrebasse on
Don't put art in your card. Don't submit more than one card. Submit the upgraded and unupgraded.
Submit your ideas in this thread - whether you make a separate thread for your card idea for Cygnia is up to you.
Q&ASpoiler for Q&A:
Can we use Love quanta?
If you can get permission from its creator, yes.
Is editing submissions (prior to deadline) allowed?
Yes. Keep in mind though that the submission that is presented by the time the timer is up will be the one considered. Any edits to a submission after the timer is up voids the submission and disqualifies it from the polls.
Card Submission Phase: no time remaining.
Voting Phase: no time remaining.
Spoiler for Cherub's Bow | Cupid's Bow:
| |
NAME: | Cherub's Bow
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Weapon: Deal 3 damage at the end of every turn.
: Target and random creature skip next attack.
| NAME: | Cupid's Bow
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Weapon: Deal 5 damage at the end of every turn.
: Target and random creature skip next attack.
ART: | none
| NOTES: | The random creature can be on either side.
Spoiler for Reproduction | Reproduction:
| |
NAME: | Reproduction
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 4
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Target two creatures. A new creature will appear on the board. The creature may be a copy of either parent.
| NAME: | Reproduction
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Target two creatures. A new creature will appear on the board. The creature may be a copy of either parent.
ART: | none
| NOTES: | "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage..." xD
Anyway, since reproduction is often a result of love, I decided to use that for my card idea, especially because I couldn't think of good ideas for anything else related to the theme... The spawn (the new creature) is supposed to have an equal probability of being a copy of either parent; I did this so it would be more like how irl genetics works.
P.S. I was thinking of having the upgraded version spawn a copy of the stronger parent, but then I decided not to do that since that would probably make it OP.
Spoiler for Vanity | Narcissism:
| |
NAME: | Vanity
| ELEMENT: | fosril
| COST: | 5 :fosril
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | The target creature gains +1|+1 per turn. Multiple Vanity effects become Narcissism.
| NAME: | Narcissism
| ELEMENT: | fosril
| COST: | 7 :fosril
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | The target creature gains 5ATK and loses half of its HP per turn.
ART: | fosril bg and icon by jacker
| NOTES: | On the theme of love, here's one about self-love. And no, not THAT kind of self-love.
The first card, Vanity, should be fairly self-explanatory. Give a creature vanity, and it gets a little boost of self-confidence. It becomes better at what it does. And loving yourself is a relationship that lasts a lifetime, so the benefits just keep going.
Too much vanity, however, is a bad thing. You become completely obsessed with yourself, and really quite narcissistic. Hence Narcissism. This is the upgraded version of Vanity, and two or more Vanity effects on a single creature do not stack but merge into a single Narcissism.
Narcissism doesn't stack either and Vanity will have no effect on it. It's already obsessed!
Narcissism has the effect of boosting ATK by 5 (a massive confidence boost) at the cost of halving HP (as the creature looks into itself and becomes completely obsessed). When HP becomes less than 1, the creature immediately dies.
Why the element? Life for the feeling of vigour that can only be felt in moments of self-love, like having done some achievement; and air for the floating feeling of confidence that occurs as a result. This hybrid element doesn't seem to have a name so I've dubbed it "fosril" however someone please do correct me on that.
What's the moral of this story? Love yourself and you will be much happier. But not too much, and don't forget to love others too.
| SERIES: | CDC 6-1
Spoiler for Affection | Affection:
| |
NAME: | Affection
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Spell
| TEXT: | Target creature gains +2|+0 every turn and gains ability Heartbreaker: Upon death, owner takes 10 damage
| NAME: | Affection
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Spell
| TEXT: | Target creature gains +2|+0 every turn and gains ability Heartbreaker: Upon death, owner takes 10 damage
ART: | No art
| NOTES: | Love is a double edged sword; it can help both sides of the relationship grow, or it can tear them down.
This is a spell for Life that is meant to be devastating when used on your opponent's creatures and risky when used on your own. Because falling in love is a dangerous business.
Interactions with Quint is also thematic:
If you put too much trust in your companion and they end up leave you, you will be hurt, both emotionally and possibly physically (in this case, physically, although I suppose if you were really attached to that Blue Crawler, it might be emotional too).
But, if you end up being able to preserve your love, then you can be together. For eternity (i.e. immortal). And your love will grow without restraint.
Spoiler for practical uses: On your opponent's creatures, this can be used as a way to deal a bit more damage to the opponent while removing their creatures. This would require a duo with an element with reliable CC (like Lightning or Rage Potion) for optimal use. Think of its offensive use similar to Acceleration's offensive use. On your own creatures, this is a nice buff card for Life, which currently has none. It goes nicely with Quint, although not required (love is nice to have forever, but that isn't required to win in Life  ). Constant growth. Yay. This is also a semi lobo, due to it replacing the ability with Heartbreaker. | SERIES: | CDC Ideas
Spoiler for Love Maker | Love Maker:
| |
NAME: | Love Maker
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6| 5
| TEXT: | The cost can be paid mixing and quanta of your mark (max 4 quanta of your mark).
| NAME: | Love Maker
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 8 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6 | 5
| TEXT: | The cost can be paid mixing and quanta of your mark. Affection: gain the skill/effect of your mark.
ART: | No Art
| NOTES: | This card rappresent the love between this card and the mark. If u fall in love for someone, u are capable of doing everything for the person u love, even mixing your quanta cost (max 4 of your mark, same for the upped version). Tl;dr, u can play this card with 4 and (example) 4 .
Is inspired in part by nymphs and shard golem.
Affection: when u love someone, u start sharing interests (i.e listen the fav band of your gf), in this case, the ability of your mark.
mark: spell Damage mark: airborne mark: vampire mark: venom 1 mark: 0: burrow mark: nothing mark: fahrenheit's ability mark: momentum mark: feral bond's ability mark: bioluminiscence mark: draw a card on play mark: purify target player on play
I choose pretty basilar and intuitive effects for every mark for not confusing the player, i totally don't like cards with unspecified effects (see shard of integrity). English is not my native language, i hope to be clear (specially with the explanation of love and why this card rappresents love). I was really tempted to do it 6/9, sigh....
Spoiler for What is Love? | What is Love?:
| |
NAME: | What is Love?
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 6 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 0 | 30
| TEXT: | When an enemy creature enters battlefield, What is Love? gains gravity pull for 1 turn.
| NAME: | What is Love?
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 7 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 0 | 42
| TEXT: | When an enemy creature enters battlefield, What is Love? gains gravity pull for 1 turn.
ART: |
| NOTES: | What is love? is not about a pair of lovers but a broad definition of lovers out there, it is more mechanical than thematics just like my opinion of love Love is not something you say but something you do.
When another enemy comes in, you show him what is love by absorbing his bad intentions until he is left with nothing but goodness. It sounds like a pretty useless and stupid mechanism, but this is what i felt when i was in love, the other partner keeps on sucking all my bad influence and gradually i turned into a good boy..............................and undeniably fell back in love to the person whom changed me to be a better man.
What is love? is not about a pair of lovers but a broad definition of lovers out there.
Its balanced and useful as i deliberately put it in Light, so you can use angels to heal back What is love?
Spoiler for Selfless | Altruistic:
| |
NAME: | Selfless
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Spell
| TEXT: | Light and Dark quantum are switched. Ignores Sanctuary.
| NAME: | Altruistic
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Spell
| TEXT: | Light and Dark quantum are switched. Ignores Sanctuary.
ART: | Yes
| NOTES: | I have a feeling this has been done before...