Andre gets 2 points, Emerald and Odin get 1 point each.
But it's the final challenge of the month, which means Andre gets 4 and EmerOdin (Shipping intensifies) get 3 each!
That puts the final scoreboard this month to this:
1st: andretimpa, (10 points)
2nd: Opsinis, Clean0nion (6 points)
3nd: Treldon, OdinVanguard (5 points)
5th: Linkcat, EmeraldTiger (3 points)
6th: Submachine, OdinVanguard (2 points)
7th: Monox D. I-Fly, ddevans96 (1 point)
So congrats timpa on your first place, bless Opsi and 0nion's second performance and may the TrelOdin find happiness in third.
Giving badges out SOONtm.