David Attenborough is our greatest salvation against Global Warming. Please don't make him change his mind.Welcome to the Weekly Card Design Challenge! Each week, the Curators will host a card design challenge with a certain theme or gimmick; for the rest of the week, your goal is to design the best card you can that works with the challenge! Once that week is up, a new weekly challenge will start and the current challenge will go into the Voting Phase! The winners of each poll will be awarded points; your current score can be found on the
Monthly Leaderboard!
Of course, this week is special! It's the Challenge of the Month! ... All that means is everyone who gets points gets two more points!
Each month, the top 1-3 players on the Monthly Leaderboard will get a cool award icon, depending on the number of people that participated.
Remember to look at the score table for the amount of points people will be given!
We're at 8, which means 3 points for first, 2 for second, 1 for third!
Spoiler for Score Table:
Amount of people | Points given/scored |
3 | 1 point for first. |
4-6 | 2 points for first, 1 point for second. |
7-8 | 3 points for first, 2 second, 1 third. |
9-11 | 4 points for first, 3 second, 2 third, 1 fourth. |
12-13 | 5 for first, 4 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th, 1 5th. |
14-16 | 6 for first, 5 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, 1 6th. |
And to remind you how many votes you get, we use the same system as crucible.
0-2 - No voting allowed.
3-6 - 1 vote
7-12 - 2 votes
13-17 - 3 votes
18-25 - 4 votes
26-32 - 5 votes
33+ - 6 votes
This week's challenge is to Make a hybrid card!Spoiler for Specific rules:
What's a hyrbid card? It's this thing:

Hybrid is a form of Pseudoquanta. More importantly, it's a card that shares two elements and can be played in two elements. If you've played magic, it's exactly like hybrid in there.
A better way to describe hybrid in terms of how to design one is it's a card that is mono-element to two elements.
You will want this to make your hybrid card. Download the images, and use them in the card builder under custom element.
If you're confused,
The tutorial is always there to help.As for actually designing the card: Please only use a hybrid with a card back. If you really don't want to, either make a card back or leave the background blank. Regardless of what you do, state the two elements you're hybridding.
The card only has to cost hybrid quanta; as long as it does that, you can make any card you want. If you want to use an ability that costs hybrid, there are a few ways to notate it. Here are the best two:




]: Spawn a mutant




: Spawn a mutant
Remember not to do "

: Spawn a mutant" to denote hyrbid because A) That means one

AND one

and B) That's currently impossible in the code. But so is hybrid so who cares.
You can also photoshop the hybrid mark onto the card - I can do that if you want me to.
And lastly, and this is the most important thing about designing a hybrid card:
A hybrid card has to fit standalone into both elements. Being hybrid does not allow a card to do something it isn't allowed to in one element. It is mono-element in both elements. That means a fire/life card really shouldn't give life CC. And a life/aether card shouldn't give aether quanta ramp. It has to be something both elements can do.
(Note: Life not having CC and aether not having quanta ramp is merely my opinion)
Remember to not put art in your cards and don't submit more than one card. Submit the upgraded and unupgraded.
Please submit your ideas in this thread - whether you make a separate thread for your card idea is up to you.
We are in the Voting Phase! There is
expanding ice caps clearly global warming is fiction ri8 Good luck!
Spoiler for 1. Agar (Clean0nion):
| |
NAME: | Agar
| ELEMENT: | Yggdrasil (Gravity/Life)
| COST: | 5 :yggdrasil (gravity/life)
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 2
| TEXT: | [ /:life ][ /:life ]: Consume Target creature with less heath than Agar is consumed. Its health is added to Agar.
| NAME: | Conglomerate
| ELEMENT: | Yggdrasil (Gravity/Life)
| COST: | 1 :yggdrasil (gravity/life)
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 1
| TEXT: | [ /:life ][ /:life ]: Consume Target creature with less heath is consumed. Its health is added to Conglomerate.
ART: |
| IDEA: | Clean0nion (agar.io)
| NOTES: | Consume a creature (basically Devour) and have it's health added to Agar. As with Devour, targets must have less health than Agar.
Ingestion effects (eg poisoning) still apply.
Conglomerate is so much cheaper because it has 1 health, meaning it can only consume Sparks, and that won't give it HP. A HP boost has to be played on it for it to work well. But it's still a 1|1 card with an ability so it ain't free.
Why gravity? Eventual high HP lends to catapult and acceleration. Devour is thematically a Gravity ability.
Why Life? Because agar is used for life-stuff, like growing fungus and plant cuttings. Also the original idea is a very survival-of-the-fittest kinda thing and that's pretty lifey.
Yes I am aware that this gives life CC, thankyouverymuchFrozengaia. No I do not care.
Spoiler for 3. Curse Of Decay | Curse of Ruins (OdinVanguard):
| |
NAME: | Curse of Decay
| ELEMENT: | Thanatos∞ (Time-Death)7
| COST: | 2 :thanatos∞ (time-death)
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Other non-pillar permanents have a chance to self destruct each turn based on how long they have been in play.
| NAME: | Curse of Ruins
| ELEMENT: | Thanatos∞ (Time-Death)
| COST: | 2 :thanatos∞ (time-death)
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | All other permanents have a chance to self destruct each turn based on how long they have been in play.
ART: |
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | "Today, the world just seems to crumble, inexorably, around you"
This card would spread decay status onto all other effective permanents each turn. For each count of decay, the chance of destruction increases by 15% (multiplicatively). If there are multiple copies of this in play, each copy spreads decay counters each turn (so with two out, the chance increases by 30% each turn instead of just 15%)
Spoiler for 4. Plasmakite (EmeraldTiger):
| |
NAME: | Plasmakite
| ELEMENT: | Aethofuze
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 9
| TEXT: | Flare: Gain +1|-1 for each succesful attack. Plasmakite has Immaterial if attack and defence are equal.
| NAME: | Plasmakite
| ELEMENT: | Aethofuze
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 11
| TEXT: | Flare: Gain +1|-1 for each succesful attack. Plasmakite has Immaterial if attack and defence are equal.
ART: |
| IDEA: | EmeraldTiger
| NOTES: |
Spoiler for 5. Fireworks (Treldon):
| |
NAME: | Fireworks
| ELEMENT: | Drouth (Air-Fire)
| COST: | 6 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | Opposing creatures have 55% chance to hit you, 10% to hit each other and 10% to hit their owner for 3 turns
| NAME: | Fireworks
| ELEMENT: | Drouth (Air/Fire)
| COST: | 6 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | Opposing creatures have 50% chance to hit you, 15% to hit each other and 15% to hit their owner for 3 turns
ART: |
| IDEA: | Treldon
| NOTES: | Effect does not stack with Fog or Dusk shields, but comes first. So if Fireworks makes the creature miss or attack allied creatures/owner the shield has no effect. When a creature attacks its owner the owner's shield (if any) function normally.
Mechanically functions like Cloak, grants effect for 3 turns after casting then disappears.
I know the numbers don't add up: 55+10+10=75% that the creatures do something, 25% they completely miss with unupped 50+15+15=80% that the creatures do something, 20% they completely miss with upped
| SERIES: | Weekly Challenge
Spoiler for 6. Butterfly Swarm (Andretimpa):
| |
NAME: | Butterfly Swarm
| ELEMENT: | Aricord
| COST: | 2 [ / ]
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 1
| TEXT: | Shuffle a random permanent from your opponent back to their deck when Butterfly Swarm enters play. Airborne.
| NAME: | Butterfly Swarm
| ELEMENT: | Aricord
| COST: | 1 [ / ]
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | Shuffle a random permanent from your opponent back to their deck when Butterfly Swarm enters play. Airborne.
ART: | none, lol
| IDEA: | andretimpa
| NOTES: | The ability triggers whenever a new butterfly appears, whether from hand or not. The ability is loboable, which is relevant for Parallel Universe.
| SERIES: | weekly challenges