Standard old IE the most used navigator world wide.
We have identified the problem. Here's the fix: though.. we all know IE is the worst piece of software created by man but how is it possible ,even for IE, to mess this one up? That BBcode is nothing more than regular text. How can it
not work?
Current cards refer to damage (see Dive) and life already but in the Trainer with the new info Popup, Zanz has used ATK|HP so I will rescind the request to change. ATK|HP is good because it is game standard.
Hm.. I used "ATT" but I guess "ATK" would have been better. Lets go with ATK then (and we'll have to change that in Wiki as well.).
Yeah I understand "zero guarantee" but the effort made by everyone isn't to waste time. It is to show Zanz that we care about the game and want to offer our insight so that if he should so like an idea that he may use it in the game with foreknowledge and insight from the community that supports his game.
I feel the current statement "Think of this whole operation more as fun, than any serious card design workshop." makes my effort look like a joke.
Well, if you somehow see yourself as a part of the official card design team, then yes you will definitely get that "waste of time" feeling because most of your ideas will probably
not make it into the game. In fact there's a chance that none of your ideas do. That's not because your ideas suck, it's a because it's a historical fact.
The more "professional" look we give this "Card Ideas" section, the more it will look like that all the best ideas will make it into the game which leads to more disappointed people. I want to make sure everyone understands it before spending their time designing cards.
I personally don't see it as a waste of time because designing is fun, and even if Zanz doesn't use my ideas, he might use some parts of it at some point.
I've discovered a solution to the discussed "card set listing" problem. That issue being: wanting to list all of the cards from the set together, somehow, to avoid someone not finding/realizing the other associated cards. Yet, not cluttering up the forum, and disregarding the current posting rules, by putting multible card ideas onto one thread.
Go to the link below of my card idea to see how I handled the discussed issue. It's alot simpler than we thought, so be prepared to slap yourself in the face. Or better yet, slap a +karma on me.,5595.msg63197#msg63197
Sorry, I won't slap myself so I guess I will have to slap you.

This actually the current
plan B, with the difference that instead of text links, we would have image links re-sized to 50%. This would be otherwise perfect but it would be nice to see all the ideas next to each other.
Plan A is to have the individual threads, but also to have one compilation thread for each set (6+ different cards). Individual card threads would have a link to that compilation thread.