Are the nightmares necessary? Won't the ai fractal the RoL anyway?
EP usually uses CC before fractal. Also he produces

only with his mark. That means 3

per turn, so he can use a fractal every 3 turns (more if he uses also thunderbolt). If you want to fill his field of RoL you cant just rely only on his fractal. Also nightmare prevents him to draw new card.
You can always pack upped SoBe's for card draw in a Nova deck.
I tought about SoB but I don't think this is a good idea:
_if you use it when his field isn't filled up with RoL, he can draw Ruby dragons which are a problem.
_if you use it when his field is already full, then his hand will be also full because he can't play his creature. So you can't draw properly.
I noticed that later in the game his fire lances could be a problem. Maybe I can do +1 Mirror Sheild, -1 Solar Buckler and use it only when the

quanta is enough.