just played EP, and got whooped in 5 turns.
Went something like this:
Turn 1 me: Q Pillar x3.
Turn 1 EP: B Tower x3, Play Minor Phoenix.
Turn 2 me: Q Pillar, Sundial.
Turn 2 EP: B Tower, Explosion targeting Sundial.
Turn 3 me: Q Pillar, Sundial.
Turn 3 EP: B Tower x2, Explosion targeting Sundial, Ruby Dragon.
Turn 4 me: Oty, Hourglass.
Turn 4 EP: B Tower, Ruby Dragon.
Turn 5 me: Hide in corner and cry.
Turn 5 EP: Minor Phoenix and swing ftw.
this has been the quickest loss I've come across yet facing a FG. Just insane. But i like the deck