For me any participant, almost.
I personally cant in good consciousness nominate any names save for one, as I have not spectated people or watched them play. The games I've spectated and read chat at the same time, is those games of our members and thats at most two or three. (Edit clarification: Ive only read our private chat while our games were in progress and it was only one or two of all those games that i was also reading the official chat at the same time.)
DrunkDestroyer is the only one I've meet that there was any sort of problem in the connections or ingame issues and he was nothing short off a perfect opponent and we joked about it and had fun so him I can nominate. Everyone else was their normal "Good Luck Have Fun" phrase and a couple i had a nice friendly banter with. But nothing that amounts to good sportsmanship above the ordinary respect and courtesy we all expect.