Actually, that's a fair point. We could ditch the time pends, scorpions, and maybe the eternities too, and just keep the sundials for poison dial. We could probably ditch a few chaos seeds as well, too. A reverse time or two would still be useful in novabows, but eternity is tough without building a dedicated deck around it, so it could probably get scrapped, too.
We could get 2-3 more demons, some holy lights (I'm still pushing for a couple of those :p), maybe more discords or antimatters. We could even do that phase dragon deck majofa suggested, although that's a likely salvage if we get and beat aether early. I'd also be happy with another steal or two, another nightmare, another purify, maybe a lone mind flayer for novabow, or maybe sancs/miracles for a stall, though that last would require a fairly hefty vault commitment as well.