Hey fellow Entropists,
Just a couple of things I wanna get out there.
I apparently broke Flash on my main machine, so I won't linger around chat and have the game open in the background as much. I can boot into Windows and everything works there. So I will dedicate time to the chores at hand. I am easily available through forums still.
I expect that there are some Entropy archetypes especially effective against certain Elements and generally prepared for the first, if not the first four, round(s). I'm happy to help but have zero experience. Also, mindgating isn't my forte but I hope to bring some reasonably creative and competitive decks to the table in the later stages. (round 13 and the finals in round 14)
How is vault building coming along? Have you guys conferred with each other so far? Is there a sheet? I'd pack at least 4 SoSe, since it's a strong and cheap card.
Another personal matter: I'll move in the next couple of days so I hope it will not be during the first round and vault building lasts well more than a week and does not end in the middle of next week.

This shouldn't affect me too much but you should know.
