Week 2Monday-TuesdayIf there are no matches left then we can prepare next round by doing stats, deciding salvage/discard.
WednesdayI have a lot of free time on Wednesdays, so I can test a lot. At this time we'll know R2 matchups. At
21:00 GMT we'll have
a meeting discussing basic ideas about these matchups.
ThursdayThis is my busy day, but I'll be still available at night (until around 01:00 GMT). By this time initial testings must be completed
to have more time on deck choice and customization.
FridayWeekly meeting #2 at
21:00 GMT. Narrowing down possible decks max. 2 / matchups.
SaturdayFinal testings. Weekly meeting #3 at
20:00 GMT.
I know that this sounds less chill than last week. The schedule is there to help focus, and does not work like commandments.
I appreciate your free time spent on building and testing decks. I'm enjoying War so far. I feel that we are doing well, at the same time
I believe we can focus our creative forces more efficiently. Monday/Tuesday tests are only preliminary, don't stress yourself out, just some
basic data collecting (most of them done earlier while building our Vault). I'm working on keeping this experience both active and