Kael, have you seen what Discord does to non-rainbow decks? It's just not fair sometimes.
I've had it used against me several times when I played mono-time full-time and had no real issues. I think its biggest failing is that it only affects a limited fund of Quanta. Running 1 or 2 pillars above the curve accelerates most decks and offers protection against discords affects.
I have a new calculation that I'd like to pose that would make discord useful across the board not only against weak production. This is from my ideas catalog.
Name : Discord (Rework)
Card Element : Entropy
Level : Basic
Summon Cost : 3

Type D|L : Weapon 4
Text : Weapon: Deals 4 damage and converts opponent's quantums into other elements.
Art : Discord
Level : Upgraded
Summon Cost : 3

Type D|L : Weapon 6
Text : Weapon: Deals 6 damage and converts opponent's quantums into other elements.
Art : Discord
Notes : Currently Discord tends to be quite useless unless dropped in the first few turns becuse the opponent can simply outproduce the disruption effect generated by discord. Changing the process to match that of prismatic burst the effect will offput the opponent but because of the calculative effect should not burnout an opponent for more than 2 successive turns. The Calculation is repeated here: To work out how the burst calculates this it does the following. Sum all the quantums for the targeted player. If any individual element has more than half the players quanta then all of that quanta will be absorbed and then randomly generated. If no element has more than half the players total quanta then all the quanta will be conglomerated into one random element.
Testing : Apparent Strength/Use in deck types. Mono(10/10), Dual Favoured(8/10), Trio Favoured(8/10), Rainbow(5/10)