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I'm honestly not sure what to call this deck. It's not really a rush because although it can be fast, it can be pretty slow. It's probably not the most reliable deck for pure grinding either. The most accurate term i can think of is "Fun Exotic Grinder". It can win quite often and its a lot of fun to watch your werewolves turn into a powerful force for only 3-4 quanta.
I've seen other decks that are similar to this but the difference is nothing costs more than 3 quanta to play and i have discords. I don't count the Amethyst Dragon because he's only there for when your game drags on, you've built up the quanta, and need an extra kick. It's closer to a rush because you can play a lot on your first turn and can get the upper hand pretty easily. Sadly, it''s pretty easy to lose the upper hand too.
The general way to play this deck is easy, get out your werewolves and abominations and use chaos power on them. Werewolves are preferable to abominations because they are stronger and the abominations are mainly just cheaper damage. Discords are in there because for 3 quanta you get 6 damage and can through off you opponent. When you get them early in the game play them. Not only do they do 6 damage, they prevent your opponent from really doing anything, at least for a while
The main point is this deck is fun, effective, and probably pretty cheap.