Minor quibble: BE... is not exactly a staple or top tier. (
The minor abominations are kinda awkward; if you need mutation fodder, consider just putting in more Shards of Serendipity. Playing two Supernovas in a turn will generate Singularities for mutation too, if you haven't noticed yet. If you want to keep the small creatures, consider a Shard of Patience, though since you've shown aversion to using staple cards you might not want to.
MOAR DISCORDS, because Discord is awesome. Also, consider more Fallen Druids and fewer Mutations, because you're wasting your card advantage with Mutation.
More control would be nice; unless you mutate the opponent's creatures, your only control is a single Antimatter (and, to some extent, Discord). Consider Pandemonium. Also, cheap rainbow staples like Fog Shield may be considered.
Definitely at least use more rainbow cards or more SoSe, because 6 SN is seriously overkill right now.