The whole Elidnis is easy, Elidnis is hard debate is a bit pointless, in my opinion. It is all down to your starting hand and the FG's starting hand. I played Elidnis once and he/she/it managed to get out 2 Immortal Spectres and 3 Ulitharids. I had to bide my time relying on lucky sundial draws while getting my quanta up for Phase Shield. I ultimately lost owing to the fact that my Otyughs came really low down in the deck, next to my Fire Storms and a Electrum Hourglass. The main threat is that he will congeal anything you put out for a few turns, and then your main worry is that he will lobotomize what he has frozen. An Elite Otyugh + Quintessence can solve this problem easily, as can a Ulitharid + Quint or a Druid + Quint. After this it is just a case of waiting to get your bone yard/bone wall and fire storms ready while your Otyugh eats anything new he puts on the table.
I find it helps to steal his Aether Tower if he plays 1 or 2 in the first turn, this way you have enough Aether to play your Quintessence/Phase Shields/Lobotomize. This ultimately allows you to survive long enough to get your Bone Yard, Otyugh, Bone Wall and 2x Fire Storm combination ready. Also, if you mange to get a Mutation which can freeze anything he hasn't Quintessence'd, it is worth noting that he will Twin Universe a frozen creature if it is the highest statistically offensive card in play.
As for the debate of 'hard god' / 'easy god'. Chaos Lord stole my first 4 Quantum Towers and I was under the impression he was an 'easy god'. Firefly Queen with over 150 fire quanta and 2 Fahrenheits in play is not a pretty situation either, not to mention her Fire Lances (which when you are shielded, she will throw at you. It is a card game, and therefore it has an 'element' of luck (excuse the pun). Every god would be more or less easy if I could choose my starting hand, but then to do so, I would have to have less cards in my deck ultimately making the deck weaker and less versatile.