There are still a few uncategorized posts:
These ones were the last to be categorized yesterday. The list hasn't been updated yet.
The two options (improving or importing) imply two very different organizations. Trying to do both would be tricky.
Better shape for the existing decks... we can work on many levels. If it's only putting a good deck picture, decklist and some structure, it's a good start but the quality of the deck itself wouldn't change. With the initial clean-up project, the quality of the deck was a major point and we merged a lot of similar strategies. But this is a very long task to do.
The clean-up project has started before the introduction of the Star Rating. We can try to improve the structure of the posts, let them open to further testing, and improve/merge/delete the low-rated ones in some weeks.
You're the head editor now. You get to decide!
Ah. Well, I'll go for my last proposition : improve the structure and wait for the ratings.
What is needed for a good-looking post ?
A deck picture, with the deck codeA precise decklist, with links to card articlesSection titles
Some of the decks are semi-upgraded, or the author says that his/her deck is a work in progress. A disclaimer "Needs further testing, feel free to comment !" may be useful.