As a newbie (all terms are relative, but still) I have to say that I've made quite a few discoveries about some of the cards that frankly, it would have been really helpful for me to know much earlier on. Some of this was obvious to a person familiar with the game, but they came as a surprise to me, and were important enough that I began taking down notes about some of the cards.
When I went to look at the wiki pages for those cards, the information wasn't present, but the plugins were also too complicated (for me at least) to add notes to the bottom of the card pages.
It would be really helpful if someone could explain how to add some notes to the card pages. I'd be happy to add the information that I felt was important to know, but that was not overtly obvious to the card pages if I could figure out how to do it.
Some examples of the information I made note of are:
Shard of Focus (both forms): You can activate this card's skill, and then cancel the action and still get the HP bump (or the black hole if appropriate). This allows someone with this shard to continue to bolster the shard's HP even if there's no target one wishes to actually destroy. This is really useful information when using it with gravity pull, but it's not mentioned on the wiki page.
Dune scorpion: While the card reads that it adds poison damage to each attack, if it attacks a creature (as a result of gravity pull, for example), it will not poison that creature. This is at least true of when my shard of focus has had gravity pull on it and it has taken damage from the scorpion. This is also true of a scorpion and a forest scorpion I believe.
Sanctuary (both versions): If a sanctuary is present and it is the opposing player's turn, even if they destroy the sanctuary the effects remain in place until the end of that turn.
These are a few of the examples of information I found useful enough to notice and then jot down so I could remember them. I would have tried to add them to the wiki, but I honestly don't know how to edit the wiki because of the plugins.
If I shouldn't be adding those things, please let me know. If I should, please tell me how.