Facts:- Anyone who registers to wiki will start as a Contributor
- You can add new posts or edit existing ones
- Your
posts or edits won't become visible until approved by an Editor or Super Editor.
Facts:- You can add new post and edit existing ones
- Your edits become instantly visible
- You can approve or disapprove pending edits and posts made by Contributors
Requirements for becoming an Editor:- you are motivated
- you want to actively add more content to wiki
- you can work independently without the need to be told what to do
Super Editor
Facts:- Same rights as an Editor but with some advanced options
- can edit wiki navigation
- can edit categories
Requirements for becoming an Super Editor:- Same as Editor
- you want to make wiki better, easier and more efficient to use, and have ideas on how to achieve that
- you know html and css
- knowledge of other programming languages is a plus. For example php, javascript, flash, etc.