You can now register at (
The default role is set to "Author " at the moment which means that you can..
- Add new posts
- Edit your own posts
- Edit other people's posts
- Delete your own posts
Later I will appoint one or more "Super Editors" who have even more rights, like adding new Categories, etc.
These are some examples you can do right now:
- Add a picture of a deck + strategy tips
- Edit posts with a card (each card in the game has an individual post), adding description, strategy tips, etc
- Add tutorials, newbie guides, etc.
- Write articles on the current state of the game, etc.
World's shortest tutorial on how to add new posts (
When you write a new post, always remember to choose a category. Otherwise your post won't show up.
Keep in mind that you cannot really do any permanent damage because I can always use the revision system and go back to a previous version of individual posts or the whole Wiki. You can test out different things as much as you like.
If you have any questions, just ask.